Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2025-01-07 10:07 浏览次数:13


(国网江苏综合能源服务有限公司,江苏 南京 210096)
    摘 要:高压输电线路是当前集中式新能源远距离送电最为经济的保障手段,为解决运行过程中因风力扰动导致的线路鞭击、粘连等问题,从导线粘连机理出发建立新悬链线方程,量化分析导线的粘连临界电流与档距、间隙扰动值、环境温度以及载流量设计风速的关系。研究表明:档距越大,临界粘连电流越小,允许的间隙扰动值越小;临界粘连电流与环境温度几乎成线性关系,随着环境温度的升高,临界粘连电流增大;临界粘连电流随载流量设计风速风速的增大而迅速减小,随后缓慢减小。
    关键词: 集中式新能源;垂直双分裂导线;扰动粘连;粘连电流;档距;分裂间距
    中图分类号:TM726     文献标识码:B     文章编号:1007-3175(2024)12-0054-05
Analysis and Research on Disturbance Adhesion of Centralized New Energy
High-Voltage Power Transmission Lines in Jiangsu
LU Bin, ZHOU Qiang, HE Ming, QIAN Li, WANG Min
(State Grid Jiangsu Integrated Energy Service Co., Ltd, Nanjing 210096, China)
    Abstract: The high-voltage power transmission lines are currently the most economical means of ensuring long-distance power transmission for centralized new energy. To address issues such as line whipping and adhesion caused by wind disturbances during operation, a new catenary equation is established based on the mechanism of conductor adhesion. This equation quantitatively analyzes the relationship between the critical adhesion current of the conductor and span length, gap disturbance value, ambient temperature and design wind speed for load flow. The study shows that: the larger the span length, the smaller the critical adhesion current and the smaller the allowed gap disturbance value; the critical adhesion current has an almost linear relationship with ambient temperature, increasing as the ambient temperature rises; the critical adhesion current decreases rapidly with the increase of design wind speed for load flow, and then decreases slowly.
    Key words: centralized new energy; vertical double bundled conductor; disturbance adhesion; adhesion current; span length; splitting distance
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