Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2025-01-23 13:23 浏览次数:50


(国网山东省电力公司菏泽供电公司,山东 菏泽 274000)
    摘 要:为解决导线直径信息错误或缺失给检修作业带来不便的问题,研制了基于脉冲射线的远距离导线直径测试仪。通过现场调研获取了不同电压等级导线直径的范围,选择了激光脉冲射线原理的测距传感器进行距离和线径测量。利用物联网方法和几何原理,设计了基于脉冲射线的远距离导线直径测试仪的电路和系统。通过集成设计,将三个测距传感器布置在滑动导轨上,方便现场人员调整测量和携带。经过变电站现场测试,测量的数据与台账记录数据一致,测量结果表明,所设计的基于脉冲射线的远距离导线测试仪满足现场导线快速、安全、准确测量导线直径的需求,提高了现场检修作业效率。
    关键词: 输变电工程;导线直径;脉冲射线;远距离测量;激光测距
    中图分类号:TM751     文献标识码:A     文章编号:1007-3175(2025)01-0062-04
Development of Long-Distance Wire Diameter Tester Based on Pulse Ray
LIU Hong-ling, ZHANG Wei, ZHOU Guang-chuang, WANG Wei-ling, AN Yong, ZHAO Xian-yang
(Heze Power Supply Company of State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company, Heze 274000, China)
    Abstract: In order to solve the problem of incorrect or missing wire diameter information which brings inconvenience to maintenance operation,a long-distance wire diameter tester based on pulse ray has been developed. Through on-site research, the range of wire diameters for different voltage levels was obtained, and a distance and wire diameter measurement sensor based on laser pulse ray principle was selected.In addition, this article designed circuit and system for a long-distance wire diameter tester based on pulse ray by using the methods of the Internet of Things and geometric principles. Through the integrated design, three ranging sensors are arranged on the sliding guide rail, which is convenient for field personnel to adjust the measurement and carry. After on-site testing at the substation, the measured data is consistent with the recorded data in the ledger. The measurement results show that the designed pulse ray based long-distance wire tester meets the requirements of fast, safe, and accurate measurement of wire diameter on site, and improves the efficiency of on-site maintenance operations.
    Key words: power transmission and transformation engineering; wire diameter; pulse ray; long-distance measurement; laser ranging
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