Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2025-01-24 09:24 浏览次数:58


(湖北民族大学 智能科学与工程学院,湖北 恩施 445000)
    摘 要:为优化用于监测光伏板覆冰厚度的叉指电极式传感器结构参数,增大传感器覆冰监测性能指标,提出了一种考虑多因素共同作用的正交试验设计方法。通过 comsol 有限元仿真软件建立了一种处于覆冰状态的 3D 叉指电极模型,并使用三维有限元法,对叉指电极的金属化因子、叉指间距、叉指长度和叉指对数进行单因素仿真分析和多因素作用正交试验。选取上述四个参数为优化变量,以电极电容值、灵敏度和最大探测深度作为性能评判指标,得到了四种结构参数对电极性能影响主次关系以及电极结构参数最佳正交优化组合,并将电极结构参数优化前后进行覆冰性能对比。结果表明,电极最佳参数组合为电极金属化因子0.6、叉指间距0.3 mm、叉指对数12 对、叉指长度80 mm,电极电容值增加87.25%、电极灵敏度增加98.6%、电极探测深度增加2.3%、电极尺寸减少24.7%。该方法能够有效提升叉指电极在覆冰监测中的性能。
    关键词: 叉指电极;正交试验;覆冰监测;传感器结构参数
    中图分类号:TP212     文献标识码:A     文章编号:1007-3175(2025)01-0019-07
Optimization Design of Interdigitated Electrode Ice Monitoring
Sensor Based on Orthogonal Test
PENG Sai, TAN Ai-guo, WANG Hai-wen, WANG Long, LIAO Hong-hua, ZHONG Jian-wei, YANG Yong-chao
(College of Intelligent Systems Science and Engineering, Hubei Minzu University, Enshi 445000, China)
    Abstract: In order to optimize the structural parameters of the interdigitated electrode sensor used for monitoring the thickness of photovoltaic panel ice cover and to increase the performance index of the sensor for ice cover monitoring, an orthogonal experimental design method considering the joint effect of multiple factors is proposed. A 3D model of the interdigitated electrode in an ice-covered state was established by comsol finite element simulation software, and one-factor simulation analysis and multifactor effect orthogonal tests were performed on the metallization factor, interdigital spacing, interdigital length and interdigital logarithm of the interdigital electrode using the 3D finite element method. The above four parameters were selected as the optimization variables, and the electrode capacitance value, sensitivity and maximum detection depth were used as the performance evaluation indexes, so that the primary-secondary relationship of the four structural parameters on the electrode performance as well as the best orthogonal optimization combination of the electrode structural parameters were obtained, and the electrode structural parameters before and after the optimization of the ice-covering performance were compared.The results showed that the optimal combination of electrode parameters was electrode metallization factor 0.6, distance 0.3 mm, number of interdigitated pairs 12 pairs, interdigital length 80 mm, electrode capacitance increased by 87.25%, electrode sensitivity increased by 98.6%,electrode detection depth increased by 2.3%, and electrode size decreased by 24.7%. This method can effectively improve the performance of interdigitated electrodes in icing monitoring.
    Key words: interdigitated electrode; orthogonal test; ice monitoring; sensor structural parameter
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