Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2025-03-03 13:03 浏览次数:9


(郑州大学 电气与信息工程学院,河南 郑州 450001)
    摘 要:针对直驱式波浪发电系统所需的高推力密度永磁同步直线发电机,提出了一种新型同向环形绕组四面体直线发电机(ETWTLG),研究了其可行的极槽配合方式以及两种重要极槽配合方式下的电磁性能。利用解析法分析了同向环形绕组电枢反应磁场谐波特性,并基于气隙磁场调制统一理论揭示了所提 ETWTLG 的运行机理以及可行的极槽配合方式。以 6 槽 4 极和 6 槽 8 极为例,通过二维等效模型和三维有限元模型仿真分析了两台不同极槽配合 ETWTLG 的电磁性能。实验测试结果验证了所提 ETWTLG 的拓扑可行性以及分析结果的正确性,为同向环形绕组发电机的进一步研究提供了重要参考,同时也为直驱式波浪发电系统提供了一种优选发电机拓扑。
    关键词: 电磁性能分析;极槽配合;四面体直线发电机;同向环形绕组;永磁同步直线发电机
    中图分类号:TM313     文献标识码:A     文章编号:1007-3175(2025)02-0038-08
A Novel Tetrahedral Linear Generator with Equidirectional Toroidal Winding
SI Yuan, NIE Rui
(School of Electrical and Information Engineering of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China)
    Abstract: In response to the need for high thrust density permanent magnet synchronous linear generators in direct-drive wave power generation systems, this paper proposes a novel equidirectional toroidal winding tetrahedral linear generator (ETWTLG) and focuses on the feasible pole-slot configurations and the electromagnetic performance of two important pole-slot configurations. First, the armature reaction magnetic field harmonic characteristics of the equidirectional toroidal winding are analyzed using analytical methods, and the operating mechanism and feasible pole-slot configurations of the proposed ETWTLG are revealed based on the unified theory of air-gap magnetic field modulation. Then, taking 6-slot 4-pole and 6-slot 8-pole configurations as examples, the electromagnetic performance of the two ETWTLGs with different pole-slot configurations is simulation analyzed using two-dimensional equivalent model and three-dimensional finite element model. Finally, experimental test results verify the feasibility of the proposed ETWTLG topology and confirm the accuracy of the analysis results, which provides important references for further research on equidirectional toroidal winding generators and offers an optimized generator topology for direct-drive wave power generation systems.
    Key words: electromagnetic performance analysis; pole-slot configuration; tetrahedral linear generator; equidirectional toroidal winding;permanent magnet synchronous linear generator
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