大连交通大学 电气信息学院,辽宁 大连 116028
摘 要:从电压互感器工作原理与绝缘子电压分布检测原理入手,基于分布电压检测方法,提出一种绝缘子状态检测方法,通过对绝缘子末端伞裙电压的测量,并与正常工作时绝缘子电压比较,据此判断绝缘子是否被损坏。该方法操作简单、工作量小,能准确高效地检测出绝缘子的工作状态,提高了高速铁路安全运行的可靠性。
中图分类号:TM451;TM855 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2014)02-0052-04
A Kind of Insulator State Test Method Based on Voltage Transformer
ZHAO Yu-sheng, JIN Jun, ZHANG Zhen, LI Ang, WANG Cong
School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Dalian Jiaotong University, Dalian 116028, China
Abstract: Starting from voltage transformer working principle and insulator voltage distribution test principle, this paper raised a kind of insulator state test method based on distribution voltage test. Via measuring of insulator end umbrella skirt voltage and comparing with normal working insulator voltage, judgments were made to determine whether the insulator was damaged or not. The method is simple in operation with a little working quantity, being able to correctly and effectively test working conditions of insulators, which improves safe operation’s reliability of express railway line.
Key words: insulator; voltage transformer; voltage distribution method; high-voltage voltage divider
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