Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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基于IEC 61850-9-2采样值传输模型的研究

来源:电工电气发布时间:2016-04-06 10:06 浏览次数:29

基于IEC 61850-9-2采样值传输模型的研究 

(东南大学 电气工程学院,江苏 南京 210096) 

摘 要:IEC 61850 标准定义了采样值传输的抽象模型,应用于采样值传输及相关服务。为了满足该标准对变电站自动化系统以及智能设备所提出的灵活性、互操作性的要求,在研究IEC 61850 信息模型内涵的基础上,对合并单元的信息模型及其映射进行了介绍,构建了合并单元的采样值传输模型;通过预配置采样值控制块,进行IEC 61850-9-2 采样值传输,分析了合并单元配置信息的灵活性,通过实验验证了信息配置的正确性。
关键词:合并单元;采样值传输模型;IEC 61850-9-2;灵活配置
中图分类号:TM45;TN911.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2014)05-0051-05

Research of Sampled Value Transmission Model Based on IEC 61850-9-2 

NI Yu-ling, MEI Jun, ZHENG Jian-yong, ZHU Chao 
(School of Electrical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China) 

Abstract: The standard IEC 61850 defines an abstract model of sampled value (SV) transmission, which is applied in SV transmission and the related services. In order to meet the flexibility and interoperability requirements on substation automation systems and smart devices proposed by this standard, based on the study of information model connotation in standard IEC 618 50, this paper introduced the information model and mapping of merging unit, and constructed the SV transmission model of merging unit. By preconfiguring the SV control block, the SV transmission was conducted on the basis of IEC 618 50-9-2 and the flexibility of merging unit’s configuration information was analyzed. The experiment verifies the validity of the information configuration.
       Key words: merging unit; sampled value transmission model; IEC 61850-9-2; flexible configuration

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