IEC 62271-102新旧标准差异
苏州电器科学研究院股份有限公司,江苏 苏州 215104
摘 要:介绍了高压交流隔离开关和接地开关标准IEC 62271-102:2013-02(1.2 版) 的修订情况,该标准对接地开关短路关合能力的验证进行了详细规定,与旧版本IEC 62271-102:2001-12(1 版) 进行了比较,分析了新旧标准在术语、定义、额定值、型式试验和附录等方面的差异,以供相关技术人员进行参考。
关键词:接地开关;IEC 62271-102 标准;差异;短路关合
中图分类号:TM564.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2014)06-0051-04
Differences Between New and Old Standard IEC 62271-102
YAN Yu-ping, ZHU Mei-dong, SONG Qiao-qiao, CUI Yong-zhen, JIN Su-jiang
Suzhou Electric Apparatus Science Research Academy Co., Ltd, Suzhou 215104, China
Abstract: Introduction was made to the revision situation of IEC 62271-102:2013-02 (edition 1.2) for high-voltage alternating-current disconnectors and earthing switches. This standard carried out particular verifying specifications for short-circuit making ability of earthing switches. This paper compared the new edition with IEC 62271-102:2001-12(edition 1), analyzing the differences about the terms and definition, ratings, type tests, annexes and so on, so as to provide references for the corresponding technical personnel.
Key words: earthing switch; standard IEC 62271-102; difference; short-circuit making
[1] IEC 62271-102:2001-12 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear–Part102:Alternating current disconnectors and earthing switches[S].
[2] IEC 62271-102:2013-02 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear–Part102:Alternating current disconnectors and earthing switches[S].
[3] GB 1985—2004 高压交流隔离开关和接地开关[S].