西安高压电器研究院有限责任公司,陕西 西安 710077
摘 要:介绍了智能高压开关设备的容量试验项目以及实施方法,提出了一种新型的智能开关设备操作转换装置,该装置成功解决了继电器控制系统与数字化开关设备之间的操作联络及信息反馈问题。描述了智能开关容量试验的实施过程,指出智能高压开关设备与常规开关设备相比,增加了对智能化组件功能正常的要求。
中图分类号:TM643 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2014)06-0043-04
Study on Intelligent High-Voltage Switchgear Capacity Performance Test
ZHAO Qing-bin, WU Zhao
Xi’an High Voltage Apparatus Research Institute Co., Ltd, Xi’an 710077, China
Abstract: Introduction was made to the capacity test items and implement methods of intelligent high-voltage switchgear. This paper raised a new kind of intelligent switchgear operating transfer device, which successfully solved the problems of operating communication and information feed-back between relays control system and digitalized switchgear. Description was made to the implement process of intelligent switchgear capacity test. It is pointed out that compared with the normal switchgear, the intelligent high-voltage switchgear added the normal intellectualized components functions.
Key words: intelligent high-voltage switchgear; circuit breaker; capacity test; intellectualized component
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