1 上海电机学院 电气学院,上海 200240;2 上海电气风电设备有限公司,上海 200241
摘 要:从风力发电机组的类型及模型结构出发,介绍了风力发电机组的空气动力学模型、发电机模型、变流器模型、控制器模型。以双馈异步发电机为例,分析了其变速和变桨控制器原理及其控制过程,并建立了一个较为完整的风力发电机组模型,为风力发电机组的设计和控制提供了依据。
中图分类号:TM315 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2014)06-0005-06
Overview of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Model
LI Lin1, ZHANG Yan-chi1, YANG Hong-kun2, LIU Ji-hui2
1 School of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Dianji University, Shanghai 200240, China;2 Shanghai Electric Wind Power Equipment Co., Ltd, Shanghai 200241, China
Abstract: Starting from wind turbine model types and structures, this paper introduced wind turbine’s aerodynamic model, generator model,converter model and controller model. With the double-fed induction generator as an example, analysis was made to its speed controller and pitch controller principle and its control process. This paper established a more complete wind turbine model to provide basis for design and control of wind turbines.
Key words: wind turbine; controller; aerodynamics; double-fed induction generator
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