基于IEC 61850标准的变压器在线监测系统的设计
(西南交通大学 电气工程学院,四川 成都 610031)
摘 要: 分析了目前变电站自动化领域的通信标准IEC 61850,并结合变压器状态监测的实际功能需求,增加了实时录波功能,改进了智能变压器状态监测系统。给出了基于IEC 61850 标准的智能变压器在线监测系统总体结构框架图,按照标准对变压器在线状态监测系统扩展了录波逻辑节点和监测数据,实现了智能变压器在线状态监测系统的改进设计和建模。
关键词: 智能变压器;在线监测;IEC 61850;录波逻辑节点;信息模型
中图分类号:TM402 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2014)09-0054-04
Design of Transformer Online Monitoring System Based on Standard IEC 61850
LIAO Xian-ze, ZHUANG Sheng-xian, SHI Meng-yang
(College of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China)
Abstract: Analysis was made to the present substation automation field’s communication standard IEC 61850. Combined with the actual need of function for transformer state online monitoring, this design added the wave recording function to improve intelligent transformer state monitoring system. This paper gave the whole structure frame diagram of the intelligent transformer online monitoring system based on standard IEC 61850, expanding the wave recording logic nodes and monitoring data in accordance to the standard, which realized the improved design and modeling of intelligent transformer online state monitoring system.
Key words: intelligent transformer; online monitoring; IEC 61850; recorded wave logical node; information model
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