(现代重工(中国)电气有限公司,江苏 扬中 212212)
摘 要: 针对国家电网对真空断路器手车需自动控制的要求,采用MC68HC908GR8 单片机实现主控与通信功能,双继电器实现电机控制,霍尔电流互感器实现对电机电流的采样,设计了一种具有对手车自动投切、电机正反转控制、电机堵转保护、远程状态显示等特点的智能控制器。通过各种配柜功能测试、电磁兼容试验及现场投入运行,结果表明该控制器能精确测量,投切稳定、可靠。
关键词: 真空断路器;手车;自动控制器;霍尔电流互感器;继电器
中图分类号:TM591+.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2014)09-0017-04
Design of Automatic Control Unit for Vacuum Circuit Breaker Trolly
WANG Guo-hua, LIU Bin
(HYUNDAI Heavy Industries (China) Electric Co., Ltd, Yangzhong 212212, China)
Abstract: In view of the requirement of automatic control for vacuum circuit breaker trolly from State Grid, an intelligent device with many features such as automatic switching for the trolly, controlling the forward and reverse rotation, motor locked-rotor protection, remote status display was designed, by using MC68HC908GR8 micro-controller as main control and communication module, two relays as motor control module, and Hall current transformer as sampling motor current. The experimental results show that the controller can do measurement accurately, switch stably and reliably by various function tests with switchgear, EMC experiments, and on-site operation.
Key words: vacuum circuit breaker; trolly; automatic control unit; Hall current transformer; relay
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