国网电力科学研究院武汉南瑞有限责任公司,湖北 武汉 430074
摘 要:为提高变压器在线监测装置的可靠性及监测数据的准确性,基于国网公司调研材料,统计分析了变压器设备状态监测技术的应用情况和状态监测装置的可靠性与有效性,并给出了总体配置原则及优选评价方法,提出变压器在线监测项目推荐安装油色谱监测装置和铁芯接地电流监测装置,采用局部放电带电检测代替在线监测等建议。
中图分类号:TM406 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2014)10-0044-04
Preferred Selection Study on Transformer Online Monitoring Equipment
YANG Jun, DU Wei, XIANG Dong-dong, WEN Zheng-qi
Wuhan NARI Co., Ltd, State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, Wuhan 430074, China
Abstract: In order to raise the reliability and correctness of monitoring data for transformer online monitoring device, this paper carried out statistical analysis of transformer equipment state monitoring technology’s application situations based on state grid company investigation and study materials, as well as state monitoring device’s reliability and validity. This paper gave the total disposition principle and the preferred selection and evaluation method. The transformer online monitoring project was raised to recommend installing oil spectrum monitoring device and iron core grounding current monitoring device with partial discharge line detection instead of online monitoring etc.
Key words: transformer; online monitoring; fault; dissolved gas analysis; iron core grounding current; partial discharge
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