(1 东南大学 电气工程学院,江苏 南京 210096;
2 江苏省电力公司检修分公司,江苏 南京 211102)
摘 要: 能量管理是联供型微电网能否充分高效利用能源的关键,借鉴现有微电网能量管理平台,设计了一种联供型微电网能量管理平台结构框架,采用分层/分级式的结构,上层集中管理控制,底层分散控制。软件平台采用精确的系统元件设备模型,运用成熟的算法,求解优化模型提供日前调度计划。实时调度系统每5 min 修正日前调度计划,抑制微电网内的功率波动,减少对上级调度的影响。采用图形模型数据库一体化的思想,设计了图形工具,使平台的可扩展性更强。
关键词: 冷热电联供型微电网;能量管理平台;日前调度;实时调度;图形工具
中图分类号:TM73 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2014)11-0052-07
Micro-Grid Energy Management Platform Design for Cold and Thermal Power Joint Supply
WANG Zhi-he1, LIU Yuan-yuan1, TANG Yi-yuan1, WU Xing-quan2
(1 School of Electrical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China;
2 Overhaul Filiale, Jiangsu Electric Power Company, Nanjing 2111 02, China)
Abstract: Energy management is the key for joint supply micro-grid to use energy effectively. With the present micro-grid management platform, this paper designed a kind of joint supply micro-grid management platform structure frame, adopting layer/step structure, upper lay for central management control, lower layer for disperse control. The software platform adopted an accurate system element equipment model, applying the matured algorithm to solve the optimized model to provide the day before dispatching plan. The real-time dispatching system amended the day before dispatching plan every five minutes to inhibit power wave in the micro-grid and to reduce the impact on the upper dispatching. Diagram, model and data bank integration thought is adopted, to have designed diagram tools, enabling the platform stronger in expansion.
Key words: cold and thermal power joint supply micro-grid; energy management platform; day before dispatch; real-time dispatch;
diagram tool
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