Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2016-04-06 16:06 浏览次数:4


(中铁二院西北勘察设计有限责任公司,甘肃 兰州 730030) 

摘 要:分布式电源并网后,配电网中出现了新的节点类型,使得传统的前推回代法不能解决含分布式电源的配电网潮流计算。在考虑恒功率、恒电流及恒阻抗的负荷电压静态特性的情况下,提出了改进的前推回代法对不同分布式电源进行潮流计算。该算法针对风力发电、光伏电池、燃料电池及燃气轮机,分别建立了数学模型,并且在处理PV 节点时,通过无功分摊原理设定无功初值,采用无功补偿装置进行功率修正;针对辐射状配电网特征,采用搜索叶节点的方法,形成了便于前推及回代计算的参数矩阵。通过IEEE33 配电系统验证表明,提出的方法收敛性能强,能有效解决含不同分布式电源的潮流计算。
中图分类号:TM714 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2016)03-0010-06

Forward-Backward Sweep Power Flow Calculation with Distributed Generation Considering Static Load Characteristics 

ZHANG Pei-jiong 
(CREEC Northwest Survey and Design Co., Ltd, Lanzhou 730030, China) 

Abstract: Distributed generation connection leads to that the new kinds of nodes appear in distribution network, to make the traditional calculation method of forward-backward sweep power flow fail. Based on the static characteristics of load voltage of constant power, constant current and constant resistance, this paper proposed an improved forward-backward sweep method for power flow calculation of different kinds of node types of distributed generation. The method focused on the wind power, photovoltaic cells, fuel cell and gas turbine, and established the mathematical modeling respectively. When dealing with the PV node, this design used a reactive power compensation device for power correction, adopting the reactive power allocation principle to determine the initial value. In allusion to the radial distribution characteristics, the method of searching the leaf node was adopted to form a convenient parameter matrix. The IEEE33 distribution system verifies that the convergence performance of the proposed method is strong. This method can effectively solve the problem of power flow calculation of containing different distributed generation.
          Key words: distributed generation; load flow calculation; forward-backward sweep; power distribution network

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