(南京工程学院 电气工程学院,江苏 南京 211167)
摘 要:除高压直流输电外,直流电能在中低压配电领域的应用受到越来越多的关注。从交直流混合供电网架结构、直流母线结构与母线电压等级、电源与设备接入直流母线方式、交直流混合供电网控制策略、交直流混合供电网保护控制等方面分析了交直流混合供电方案中的关键技术。提出交直流混合供电中还未解决的课题,并对其应用前景做出展望。
中图分类号:TM464 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2016)03-0006-04
Key Technology of Alternating Current and Direct Current Hybrid Power Supply
DING Zhe, CHU Ting, OU Ya-hui, HUANG Zi-ping
(School of Electric Power Engineering, Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing 211167, China)
Abstract: Direct current power has received extensive attention not only in high voltage direct current, but also in the fields of medium and low voltage distribution. This paper illustrated the key technology of alternating current and direct current hybrid power supply network from the aspects such as the topology of power supply network, the direct current bus structure and voltage classes of bus line, the power supply and equipment connection to direct current bus mode, the power supply network control strategy and protection of alternating current and direct current hybrid. Some unsolved tasks in alternating current and direct current hybrid power supply network were proposed and the application prospect of alternating current and direct current hybrid power supply network was expected.
Key words: alternating current and direct current hybrid; direct current distribution network; distributed generator; operation and control
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