(中核集团三门核电有限公司,浙江 台州 317112)
摘 要:针对三门核电2号机组辅变倒送电期间负荷不足、母差及辅变差动保护无法校验的问题,采用一次通流和冲击电流校验母差CT极性,采用调整变压器有载分接开关挡位使两台并联变压器产生环流的方式校验辅变差动CT极性。试验结果分析表明,该方法能够可靠地校验母差回路和辅变差动保护回路正确性,为后续机组调试用电、机组试运和并网发电提供了保障。
中图分类号:TM77 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2016)04-0036-04
Inverse Power Transmission On-Load Verification Scheme of Unit 2 Auxiliary Transformer and Test Analysis
TANG Hai-yan
(Sanmen Nuclear Power Company Limited, Taizhou 317112, China)
Abstract: In allusion to the problem, such as insufficient load, incapable verification of busbar and auxilary transformer differential protection during the period of inverse power transmission of unit 2 auxilary transformer in Sanmen nuclear power station, The rising current of primary equipment, the inrush current and the parallel running mode of transformers were used to verify the current transformer (CT) polarity. The test results show that this method can reliably verify the correctness of busbar and auxilary transformer differential protection circuits, which provides guarantee for the follow-up unit debugging power utilization unit test running and grid connection generation.
Key words: inverse power transmission; through-flow; surge current; on-load verification
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