(河北工业大学 电器研究所,天津 300131)
摘 要:利用ANSYS 软件对旋转式磁保持继电器进行建模及网格划分,对磁保持继电器电磁系统的静态特性进行了仿真,计算出了静态的电磁力矩和磁链,绘制出力矩特性曲线,得出磁通密度矢量图。该仿真方法快速准确地验证了继电器电磁系统的合理性,为继电器的优化设计提供了有效手段。
关键词:有限元;ANSYS 软件;磁保持继电器;力矩特性曲线
中图分类号:TM581 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2016)06-0016-04
Calculation on Electromagnetic System of Magnetic Latching
Relay Based on ANSYS
LIU Guo-jin, DUAN Wen-le, LI Feng
(Electrical Appliance Research Institute, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300131, China)
Abstract: With ANSYS software carrying out modeling and mesh generation for rotary type magnetic latching relay, this paper simulated the static characteristic of magnetic latching relay system, figured out static electromagnetic torque and flux linkage, drew torque characteristic curve to obtain magnetic flux density vectorgraph. The simulation result shows that the design of the electromagnetic system of magnetic latching relay is reasonable, which provides effective means for optimal design of relays.
Key words: finite element; ANSYS software; magnetic latching relay; torque characteristic curve
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