(江苏巴威工程技术股份有限公司,江苏 扬中 212200)
摘 要:热交换器设备是热电联产机组中最重要的辅机设备体系,介绍了全焊板式热交换器的结构特点、传热原理及其在热电联产机组中的应用,并将其与传统管壳式热交换器进行了对比分析。分析结果表明,全焊板式热交换器兼备新型可拆板式热交换器和传统管壳式热交换器两者的优点,在高温高压介质传热工况下拥有卓越的传热性能,可在多个工况中充分替代管壳式热交换器。
中图分类号:TK172;TM611 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2016)08-0036-03
Application of All-Welded Plate Type Heat Exchanger in Cogeneration Units
JIN Zheng-feng
(Jiangsu BAVI Engineering Technology Co., Ltd, Yangzhong 212200, China)
Abstract: The heat exchanger is the most important auxiliary engine equipment system in cogeneration units. Introduction was made to the structural features of all-welded plate heat exchangers, the heat diffusion principle and its application in cogeneration units. This paper compared and analyzed it with traditional shell-and-tube heat exchanger. The analysis results show that the all-welded plate heat exchanger has advantages of both new type removable heat exchanger and traditional shell-and-tube heat exchanger, possesses distinguished heat transfer property under the heat diffusion working conditions of high temperature and high pressure medium, and can replace the shell-and-tube heat exchanger sufficiently under multiple working conditions.
Key words: all-welded plate heat exchanger; cogeneration units; shell-and-tube heat exchanger
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