(南方电网超高压输电公司柳州局,广西 柳州 545006)
摘 要:现有故障录波装置的PT 断线逻辑只有在某一相或两相有压而剩余其他相无压时报PT 断线告警,当出现空开脱扣或电缆并接处断开等情况会造成三相电压实时数据丢失,则录波装置不发出PT 断线告警。提出一种优化的录波装置PT 断线告警的逻辑,该方案通过引入各种辅助判据量对原有逻辑进行优化,从而消除记录盲区,使运维人员及时发现并处理录波装置所采电压量的异常。
关键词:故障录波;PT 断线告警;优化逻辑
中图分类号:TM711 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2016)08-0033-03
Optimization of Potential Transformer Disconnection
Alarm Logic in Fault Wave-Recording Device
LIN Jia-cheng, WANG Yu-peng
(Liuzhou Bureau of China Southern Power Grid Extra-High Voltage Power Transmission Company, Liuzhou 545006, China)
Abstract: The potential transformer (PT) disconnection logic of existing fault wave-recording device will give an alarm of PT disconnection only when one phase or two-phase have voltage while the remaining other two-phase or one phase have non- voltage. When circuit breakers appeared tripping or cable junction disconnected, the three-phase voltage real-time data lost to cause the wave-recording device not to send out an alarm of PT disconnection. This paper proposed a kind of optimized PT disconnection alarm logic of fault wave-recording device. This scheme introduced a variety of auxiliary criterion to optimize the original logic, so as to eliminate the blind zone of record, which makes the operation and maintenance personnel timely discover and dispose the abnormal voltage sampled by the wave-recording device.
Key words: fault wave-recording; potential transformer disconnection alarm; optimized logic