(扬州大学 水利与能源动力工程学院,江苏 扬州 225127)
摘 要:根据正弦波振荡电路的起振原理,设计了西勒振荡器,作为高频功率放大电路的输入端。利用射极跟随器可连接于两电路中间起缓冲作用的特性,设计了缓冲电路。整个设计末端,用一个丙类谐振功放来进一步增强输出电压和输出功率。采用LTspice 软件对设计的高频功率放大电路特性进行模拟仿真与分析,验证了理论分析的正确性与可行性。
关键词:西勒振荡电路;射极跟随器;丙类谐振功率放大器;LTspice 仿真
中图分类号:TN722 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2016)09-0029-04
Design of High Frequency Power Amplifier Based on
Seiler Oscillator
CUI Shun, MO Yue-ping, SHI Hong-jun, ZHU Xiao-chen, LIANG Ke
(School of Hydraulic Energy and Power Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225127, China)
Abstract: According to the vibration principle of sine wave oscillation circuits, the Seiler oscillator circuit was designed to act as the input terminal of high frequency power amplifier. The Emitter follower could be connected to the middle of the two circuits to become the buffer circuit. At the end of the whole design, the output voltage and output power could be further enhanced by a class C resonant power amplifier. The software, LTspice was adopted to carry out simulation and analysis for the designed circuit characteristics of the high frequency power amplifier, which verifies the validity and feasibility of the theoretical analysis.
Key words: Seiler oscillator circuit; emitter follower; class C resonant power amplifier; LTspice simulation
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