Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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基于操作过电压作用35 kV干式空心电抗器故障原因分析

来源:电工电气发布时间:2016-11-17 14:17 浏览次数:8
基于操作过电压作用35 kV干式空心电抗器故障原因分析
(国网江西省电力公司检修分公司,江西 南昌 330029)

    摘 要:结合电抗器的运行环境、投切过程及本身材质结构,介绍了一起35 kV 电抗器闪络故障。通过对电抗器运行状态调查、故障设备检查、试验以及理论仿真分析,发现电抗器主要故障原因是断路器频繁投切过电压,在封包玻璃纤维结构不合理的电抗器首端线圈匝间绝缘层产生破坏。针对本次故障问题,提出相应防范措施,为今后电抗器绝缘选型、运行维护提供参考。
    中图分类号:TM472     文献标识码:A     文章编号:1007-3175(2016)11-0031-04
Fault Analysis of 35 kV Dry Air Reactor Based on
Switching Overvoltage Impact
ZHANG Xiao-ping, LIU Xiao-bo, WU Dong-wen, HUANG Bin, WU Hua
(State Grid Jiangxi Maintenance Company, Nanchang 330029, China)

    Abstract: Combining with the operating environment of reactors, switching process and itself material structure, this paper introduced a case of 35 kV reactors lightning fault. Analysis was made to reactors running status investigation, fault equipment inspection, testing and theoretical simulation. The main fault reason of reactors was the over-voltage during frequent switching between the reactor coils, which led to the turnto-turn insulating layer damage of reactors head end coils with unreasonable package fiberglass structure. For this fault problem, this paper proposed the preventive measures, which provides references for the future reactors insulating model selection and operating maintenance.
    Key words: dry air reactor; fault analysis; preventive measures
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