(国网温州供电公司,浙江 温州 325000)
摘 要:特定频率的谐波下,并联电容器与系统发生并联谐振,放大谐波电流,影响电容器及系统的正常工作。分析了一起由并联电容器发生并联谐振引起的电容器组串联电抗器烧毁事故,根据对象变电站实际参数与事故现场采集数据,给出系统相应运行方式下的谐振区间,通过仿真计算阐述了电容器投切对5次谐波的放大影响,并针对该变电站的串联电抗器参数设定提出了改进措施。
中图分类号:TM53 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2016)12-0040-05
Accident Analysis of a Burnout Failure of High-Pressure Shunt Capacitor
CHEN Ying, ZHANG Lei, QIAN Bi-fu, ZHANG Xiang
(State Grid Wenzhou Electric Power Supply Company, Wenzhou 325000, China)
Abstract: Under the harmonic waves of specific frequency, the parallel resonance happened between the shunt capacitor and the system, which magnified the harmonic currents and had impacts on the capacitors and the regular work of the system. This paper analyzed a burnout failure of capacitor bank series reactor caused by parallel resonance happened in the shunt capacitors. According to the actual parameters of the object transformer substation and the data collection on site of accident, this paper gave the resonance zones under different operation modes, expounded the amplification impact of capacitor switching on 5-th subharmonics and proposed the improvement measures set for series reactor parameters of this transformer substation.
Key words: shunt capacitor; series reactor; parallel resonance; reactance rate
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