(国网吴忠供电公司,宁夏 吴忠 751100)
摘 要:提高变电站监控信息规范率,可有效提升监控效率。选取17 座变电站进行统计分析,发现造成变电站监控信息规范率低的主要原因是监控信息点表标准不统一。依据《变电站监控系统信息采集规范》和《变电站典型信息表》,结合地区电网情况,编制各电压等级的变电站典型信息点表,并根据典型信息点表优化各站监控信息。经实际验证,有效提升了变电站监控信息的规范率。
中图分类号:TM63 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2017)02-0063-04
Improved Standard Rate of Substation Monitoring Information
CAO Na, FANG Yi-dan, XU Zhi-jing
(State Grid Wuzhong Power Supply Company, Wuzhong 7511 00, China)
Abstract: The improved standard rate of substation monitoring information could raise the monitoring efficiency. The seventeen substations were carried out statistical analysis. The main reason causing the low substation monitoring information standard rate was disunity monitoring information point table standard. According to substation monitoring information collection standard and substation typical information table, combined with the regional power grid situation, substation typical information point tables of every voltage classes were established, and each substation monitoring information was optimized according to the information point tables. The practical verification improves the standard rate of substation monitoring information effectively.
Key words: substation; monitoring information; standard rate; typical information point table
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