(广东电网有限责任公司肇庆供电局,广东 肇庆 526060)
摘 要:提出一种主变保护出口装置的设计思路及软硬件实现方法,通过分析主变保护动作时在不同时限出口压板的电位变化情况,确定检测的方法及结果显示时机。该装置能在直流系统为DC 110 V 或220 V 的变电站通用且具有较高输入阻抗,使用时不影响变电站的直流绝缘水平,且在一次保护试验完成后自动显示所有时限的出口信息,并提供显示文字及显示数字两种方式,方便检修人员与定值单核对,大大提高了主变保护出口矩阵校验的效率。
中图分类号:TM77 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2017)02-0056-03
Research and Development of a Kind of Tripping Outlet Detecting Device for Main Transformer Protection
SU Jie-feng, TAN Zi-yi, LEI Yu, LIANG Zhi-hao, CHANG Jian-jun
(Zhaoqing Power Supply Bureau, Guangdong Power Grid Corporation Limited, Zhaoqing 526060, China)
Abstract: This paper proposed a kind of design thought for the transformer protection tripping outlet device and the implementation method of software and hardware. By analyzing the potential change situation of the tripping outlet at different time limit in the main transformer protection action, the detection method and result display timing were determined. This device could be commonly used in the direct current system of DC 110 V or 220 V substation with higher input impedance, not having impacts on the direct current insulation level. Once protection test finished, all time limit tripping outlet information automatically displayed with two modes of character display and figure display. It is convenient for the maintenance personnel to check the constant value, which greatly improves the efficiency of transformer protection tripping outlet matrix inspection.
Key words: transformer protection; tripping outlet matrix; detector device; device design
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