(国网甘肃省电力公司电力科学研究院,甘肃 兰州 730050)
摘 要:对光伏发电站逆变器功率控制原理进行了分析,实测并验证了光伏发电站逆变器不仅具备无功功率( 容性或感性) 双向调节能力且远超无功补偿装置满发能力的宽幅调节范围,还能满足静止无功发生器(SVG) 快速调节无功功率的响应时间要求,满足充当光伏发电站无功电源潜力并支撑并网点电压,开发光伏逆变器这一新型无功电源功能,参与调整区域电网无功电压将会产生良好的经济效益。
中图分类号:TM615 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2017)02-0027-05
Research on Reactive Power Supply Optimization Method in Photovoltaic Power Station
CHEN Shi-bin, LIANG Fu-bo, LI Yang-jun, NI Sai-sai, GUO Wen-ke
(State Grid Gansu Electric Power Research Institute, Lanzhou 730050, China)
Abstract: Analysis was made to the inverter power control principle in the photovoltaic power station. The inverter in photovoltaic station was tested and verified in possession of the reactive power (capacitive or inductive) two-way regulation capacity, which exceeded to the wide adjustable range of static var compensator full capacity operation, and could meet the requirements of the response time of static var generator (SVG) quick reactive power regulation, with the potential to act as the reactive power supply in photovoltaic power station and to support gridconnected voltage. The new type of reactive power supply functions of the photovoltaic inverter were developed to participate in the adjustment of regional power grid reactive voltage, which will produce great economic benefit.
Key words: photovoltaic power station; inverter; phasing operation; reactive power supply
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