(福建省产品质量检验研究院,福建 福州 350002)
摘 要:介绍了三相异步电动机B 法效率测试方法与测试流程,通过采用GB/T 1032—2012 标准中效率测试B 法对各个参数进行测量,对所测数据进行计算,得出三相异步电动机各项损耗和效率特性曲线及提高三相异步电动机效率的方法。
关键词:三相异步电动机;效率;B 法测试
中图分类号:TM343+.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2017)03-0042-04
Application and Analysis of B-Method Efficiency Test of Three-Phase Asynchronous Motor
CHEN Qiu-rong
(Fujian Provincial Institute of Product Quality Inspection, Fuzhou 350002, China)
Abstract: Introduction was made to the B-method efficiency test and test process of three-phase asynchronous motor. The efficiency test B-method of standard GB/T 1032—2012 was adopted to carry out measurement for each parameter and the tested data was carried out calculation to get all losses of three-phase asynchronous motor, the efficiency characteristic curves and the improved efficiency method of three-phase asynchronous motor.
Key words: three-phase asynchronous motor; efficiency; B-method test
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