(太原科技大学 电子信息工程学院,山西 太原 030024)
摘 要:风力储能发电系统不仅能平抑风电波动,还能充当系统的有功备用,通过合理的电网匹配,可以有效解决风力消纳问题。针对我国北方电网尚不发达,“弃风限电”问题严重的情况,分析了电池储能、飞轮储能与压缩空气储能用于风电对提高风电并网的影响,并结合研究现状,给出了风储系统匹配策略的研究方法,为今后相关工作的开展提供了参考。
中图分类号:TM614 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2017)04-0001-04
Review of Matching Research About Wind Energy Storage Power Generation System
ZHANG Jin-yan
(Electronic and Information Engineering College, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China)
Abstract: The wind energy storage power generation system could not only stabilize wind power fluctuation, but also act as the system active standby. The reasonable power grid matching could solve the problem of wind power absorption. In allusion to the underdeveloped power grid in north China and the conditions of serious wind abandoning and power brownout, this paper analyzed the impacts of the battery energy storage, flywheel energy storage and compressed air energy storage used in wind power on the improved wind power integration. Combining with the research status, this paper gave the research method of wind power storage system matching strategic, to provide references for the development of corresponding work in future.
Key words: wind abandoning and power brownout; energy storage technology; wind energy storage power generation system; matching strategy
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