(三江学院 机械与电气工程学院,江苏 南京 210012)
摘 要:根据车载动力电池和超级电容各自的特点,为普通电动车加装了超级电容驱动装置,实现动力电池与超级电容混合驱动的模式。根据车辆实际运行时的功率变化特性,建立模拟实验方法,对纯电池驱动和混合驱动两种状态进行了实车运行的对比测试。结果表明超级电容可以提高车载电源系统的功率密度和放电效率,延长续驶里程,降低电池发热程度,延长其实际使用寿命等。利用超级电容驱动装置可轻松获得优于纯电池驱动的功率密度。未来车载动力电池可专注于发展提高能量密度和循环使用寿命。
中图分类号:TM53;U467.3 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2017)05-0044-05
Experimental Analysis of Ultracapacitor Actuating Device Based on Electric Vehicles
JI Feng, CHEN Yong-tao, XIE Yu-hang
(Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Department, Sanjiang University, Nanjing 210012, China)
Abstract: According to the characteristics of car battery and ultracapacitor, the ultracapacitor driving module was added to a electric vehicle, together with battery constituting a hybrid drive mode. Based on the power variation characteristic when vehicle running, a simulation method was established to compare the pure battery-powered test and hybrid driving test. The results show that the ultracapacitor can improve the power density and discharge efficiency of vehicle power supply system, extend the vehicle miles traveled, reduce battery temperature rise, extend battery cycle life, etc. The use of ultracapacitor can easily get higher power density than pure battery-driven. The car battery development can be focused on the improvement of energy and cycle life in the future.
Key words: ultracapacitor; hybrid drive; comparison test; voltage characteristics
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