500 kV电抗器局部放电故障处理分析
(国网内蒙古东部电力有限公司电力科学研究院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010020)
摘 要:针对某500 kV 变电站带电检测时发现的500 kV 1 号电抗器A 相存在明显的局部放电信号情况,根据油色谱检测数据,通过现场检查、测试及故障分析,显示该电抗器乙炔含量超标,初步判断缺陷为电抗器爬梯对侧的屏蔽件、定位件、紧固件等金属部件发生悬浮放电,进一步确认是因为此处的铁轭穿心杆螺母松动导致局部放电。根据故障原因,采取了相应的故障检修处理措施,有效消除了事故隐患。
中图分类号:TM471+.2 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2017)04-0034-03
Disposal and Analysis of 500 kV Reactor Partial Discharge Fault
SHI Hai-peng, QI Da-boer, JIANG Nan, ZHANG Qian-ran
(State Grid East Inner Mongolia Electric Power Research Institute, Hohhot 010020, China)
Abstract: In allusion to the condition that there obviously exists partial discharge signals in 500 kV No.1 Reactor A phase when the live detection carries out in certain 500 kV substation, according to the oil chromatographic detection data, via field inspection, test and fault analysis, it was found that the acetylene content of the reactor exceeded the standard, so as to initially judge that the drawback was the suspension discharge of metal parts such as shielding parts, locating piece, fasteners and other parts of the opposite side of the reactor ladder and to further affirm that the iron yoke rod nut loose led to partial discharge. In consideration of the failure causes, the corresponding corrective maintenance treatment measure was adopted to effectively eliminate accident potential.
Key words: reactor; live detection; partial discharge; oil chromatographic analysis
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