(华侨大学 信息科学与工程学院,福建 厦门 361021)
摘 要:按照低压配电网中常见的单相非线性负荷分布情况,对这些谐波源进行不同的组合运行并采集数据,分析不同组合运行方式下的谐波状况。引入分散系数的概念,通过大量的实验数据来分析由不同类型谐波源谐波特性的差异所引起的分散效应。分析结果表明,由于谐波特性的差异,非线性负荷之间普遍存在谐波消减的现象,且产生分散效应一方面是由于各次谐波的相位差异,另一方面幅值的差异也决定了各负荷产生分散效应的权重大小。
中图分类号:TM714 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2017)05-0019-04
Harmonic Combination Characteristics Analysis of Common Nonlinear Equipment
JIANG Qing-fei, YANG Guan-lu
(College of Information Science and Engineering, Huaqiao University, Xiamen 361021, China)
Abstract: According to the common single-phase nonlinear loads distribution in the low-voltage distribution network, the harmonic sources were in different combinations of working and collecting data. This paper analyzed the harmonic conditions under the different combination mode of operation. This paper introduced the concept of diversity factor. A large number of experimental data were used to analyze the dispersing effect caused by the differences of harmonic source characteristics. The analysis result shows that because of the harmonic characteristic differences, there generally exists harmonic subduction between nonlinear loads. On the one hand, the produced dispersing effect is caused by the phase discrepancy of each harmonic, on the other hand, the amplitude discrepancy decides the weight size of dispersing effect caused by loads.
Key words: nonlinear load; harmonic source; dispersing effect; harmonic characteristic
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