Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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1 100 kV气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备母线机械性能分析

来源:电工电气发布时间:2016-03-10 15:10 浏览次数:11

1 100 kV气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备母线机械性能分析 

1 沈阳工业大学 电气工程学院,辽宁 沈阳 110870;
2 辽宁省电网安全运行与监测重点实验室,辽宁 沈阳 110870;
3 国网沈阳市于洪区供电公司,辽宁 沈阳 110141

摘 要:以1 100 kV气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备(GIS)母线为研究对象,采用有限元的方法,针对GIS母线在导体对外壳短路、导体悬臂、运输颠簸三种情况,对支持绝缘子所承受的应力进行计算。对比母线自振频率,对GIS母线筒在导体安装偏心导致的偏心电动力与高速风载荷下的振动进行分析。计算结果表明:在现场安装过程中,因导体支撑不稳导致导体悬臂时,绝缘子根部产生的应力最大,可达到绝缘子许用应力的80%以上,需要特别注意;若GIS母线发生短路故障,考虑壳体电阻对电流的影响,当短路点与接地点均位于壳体正上方时,绝缘子根部嵌件与环氧树脂的粘接面产生的应力最大,最大值为27.1 MPa,在最大短路电动力的作用下,能保证支持绝缘子机械性能的最佳嵌件半径为70 mm;在计算条件下,母线在偏心电动力以及高速风载荷的作用下,发生共振的可能性较小。
中图分类号:TM201.4+1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2015)06-0051-07

Busbar Mechanical Performance Analysis of 1 100 kV Gas Insulated Metal-Enclosed Switchgear 

SU An1,2, GENG Zhen-xin1,2, XIAO Wan-qiu3, XU Jian-yuan1,2, LIN Xin1,2 
1 School of Electrical Engineering, Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang 110870, China;
2 Liaoning Province Key Lab of Power Grid Safe Operation and Monitoring, Shenyang 110870, China;
3 State Grid Shenyang Yuhong Power Supply Company, Shenyang 110141, China

Abstract: In the case of 1 100 kV gas insulated metal-enclosed switchgear busbar conductor was in short circuit for shell, conductor cantilevered and transportation bumps, the finite element analysis method was adopted to calculate the stress of the support insulator. Comparing with the bus natural frequency of vibration, this paper analyzed the gas insulated metal-enclosed switchgear busbar vibration under the eccentric electric power caused by conductor installation eccentricity and the load of high speed wind. The calculation results show that in the process of onsite installation, the maximum of the stress caused by unstable conductor supporting cantilever, appears at the root of insulator, up to 80% of the admissible stress of insulator. If gas insulated metal-enclosed switchgear busbar short circuit fault occurs, considering the influence of the shell resistance to current, when the short-circuit point and the ground point are directly above the shell, the greatest stress is produced at root of the insulator and the insert epoxy resin adhesive surface, the maximum is 27.1 MPa. The insert radius which has the best mechanical properties of support insulators is 70 mm. Under the condition of this calculation, the busbar in an eccentric electric power and high-speed wind load effect, the possibility of resonance is smaller.
Key words: gas insulated metal-enclosed switchgear; supporting insulator; stress; vibration

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