(上海电力学院 自动化工程学院,上海 200090)
摘 要:研究了一种基于多数据融合的针对燃气- 蒸汽机组设备的设备故障预警系统,利用先进的状态监视和诊断技术,判断设备的异常,预知设备的故障,并结合设备的健康状态来安排检修计划,实施设备检修。该系统根据提供的设备历史运行数据和实时数据,多种类型数据相融合,提出了不同于传统监测的动态预警带,变事后分析为事前诊断,大大提高了设备运行的可靠性和经济性。
关键词:燃气- 蒸汽机组;多数据融合;监测;动态预警带;经济性
中图分类号:TM611.31 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2017)06-0040-04
Multi-Data Fusion Gas-Steam Turbine Equipment Fault Early Warning System
XU Tong, MAO Da-jun
(School of Automation Engineering, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090, China)
Abstract: This paper researched on a kind of equipment fault early warning system aiming at the fuel gas steam turbine based on multi-data fusion. The advanced state monitoring and diagnosis technology was used to carry out abnormal judgement and to predict the equipment failures. Combined with the health state of equipment, the maintenance plan and implementation of equipment maintenance were arranged. According to the historical operation data and real-time data of the equipment, various types of data were fused. This paper proposed a dynamic warning system which was different from the traditional monitoring system and turned postmortem analysis into diagnose in advance, which improves the reliability and economy of the equipment operation.
Key words: fuel gas steam turbine; multi-data fusion; monitoring; dynamic early warning belt; economy
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