(国网甘肃省电力公司经济技术研究院,甘肃 兰州 730050)
摘 要:介绍了孤岛效应的发生机理和危害,在被动式过/ 欠压与过/ 欠频孤岛检测法和主动移频式(AFD) 孤岛检测法的基础上提出一种主被动相结合的孤岛检测方案,阐述了该方案的具体实现策略,并分别从纯阻性、感性、容性、谐振四种负载特性对方案进行仿真分析。结果表明该方案既可以减少AFD 孤岛检测方法对电网造成的谐波污染,又可以弥补被动式过/ 欠压与过/ 欠频孤岛检测方法检测盲区太大的不足,有效提高了孤岛检测的效率。
关键词:孤岛检测;被动式过/ 欠压与过/ 欠频孤岛检测法;AFD 孤岛检测法;主被动相结合
中图分类号:TM615;TM930.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2017)06-0031-06
Study on Combination of Active and Passive Islanding Detection Scheme
XU Jian-wei
(State Grid Gansu Economic Research Institute, Lanzhou 730050, China)
Abstract: Introduction was made to the mechanism and harm of islanding effect. On the basis of the passive over/under voltage and over/ under frequency islanding detection method, this paper proposed a kind of combination of active and passive islanding detection scheme, elaborated the concrete implementation strategy of this scheme and carried out the simulation analysis for the scheme from the four load characteristics of pure resistive, inductive, capacitive and resonance. The result shows that this scheme could not only reduce the harmonic pollution to the power grid caused by the automatic feeding device (AFD) islanding detection method, but also make up the deficiency of too large non-detection zone (NDZ) of passive over / under voltage and over / under frequency islanding detection method, which effectively improves
the efficiency of island detection.
Key words: islanding detection; passive over/under voltage and over/under frequency islanding detection method; automatic feeding device islanding detection method; combination of active and passive islanding detection
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