(1 国网江苏省电力公司经济技术研究院 规划评审中心,江苏 南京 210008;
2 河海大学 能源与电气学院,江苏 南京 210098;3 国网南通供电公司, 江苏 南通 226500)
摘 要:配电网供电可靠性直接影响用户的用电质量,应用电力系统分析软件CYME,对配电网进行建模分析。研究比较了不同供电半径和不同典型结构配电网的供电可靠性,并针对实际配电网算例,分析了不同开关动作时间下的配电网可靠性的情况;从各个负荷点可靠性的角度,寻找出该配电网中可靠性较差的负荷点,进而提出了具有针对性的网架优化方案,为配电网可靠性评估分析及应用提供了参考。
关键词:配电网;可靠性评估;CYME 软件;规划
中图分类号:TM732 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2017)07-0037-05
Reliability Assessment Application of Distribution Network Based on CYME
HAN Jun1, YANG Su2, FU Jing3, YUAN Yue2, BEN Shu-jun3, ZHU Xiao-jun3, WU Yin1
(1 State Grid Jiangsu Economic Research Institute, Planning and Review Center, Nanjing 210008, China;
2 Hohai University, College of Energy and Electrical Engineering, Nanjing 210098, China;
3 State Grid Nantong Power Supply Company, Nantong 226500, China)
Abstract: The distribution network power distribution reliability directly impacts on users’ power quality. This paper adopted the power system software CYME to carry out the power network modeling analysis and researched on the power distribution reliability of different power supply radius and different typical network structures. Aiming at an actual power distribution network example, this paper analyzed the power distribution network reliability situation of different switch actuation time. From the reliability corner of each load point, this paper found the load point of inferior reliability in the distribution network, proposed a specific net rack optimization scheme, which provides references for the reliability assessment analysis and application in the distribution network.
Key words: distribution network; reliability assessment; software CYME; planning
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