(1 南京工程学院 电力工程学院,江苏 南京 211167;2 国网丰县供电公司,江苏 丰县 221700)
摘 要:励磁涌流的鉴别是电力变压器差动保护中一个大问题,而和应涌流在近些年引发多起变压器差动保护误动事故。分析了变压器励磁涌流与和应涌流的特征及相互之间的关系,阐述当前励磁涌流判别方法的原理、存在的问题以及解决方案,并对励磁涌流与和应涌流识别的发展作出预测,指出未来智能化的模糊多判据识别系统才能满足愈发复杂的变压器涌流现象的鉴别。
关键词:励磁涌流;和应涌流;Matlab 仿真;涌流识别
中图分类号:TM401+.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2017)07-0033-04
Simulation and Research of Identification on Transformer Inrush Current
HAN Tian-bo1, HONG Chen2, CHEN Hui1, SHAO Mei-cai1, YU Chen-hao1, CHEN Zhong-ying1
(1 School of Electric Power Engineering, Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing 211167, China;
2 State Grid Fengxian Power Supply Company, Fengxian 221700, China)
Abstract: Excitation inrush current identification is a big problem in power transformer differential protection, and in recent years, the inrush current causes several transformer differential protection maloperation accidents. This paper analyzed the transformer excitation inrush current, sympathetic inrush current characteristic and the relationship between each other, and then expounded the principle of current excitation inrush current identification method, the existence question as well as the solution. This paper predicted the development of excitation inrush current and sympathetic inrush current and pointed out that only the future intelligent fuzzy multiple criteria recognition system can satisfy the increasingly complex phenomena of transformer inrush current identification.
Key words: excitation inrush current; sympathetic inrush current; Matlab simulation; inrush current identification
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