(国电南瑞科技股份有限公司,江苏 南京 210061)
摘 要:针对电力调度无法直接获取变电站历史告警记录的问题,对DL 476协议进行了研究,并设计了一种基于DL 476协议的电力调度远方历史记录查询系统。给出了系统总体架构、查询流程及DL 476报文格式设计步骤,该系统采用分页查询模式,经在重庆110 kV 新一代银盆变中现场应用,应用结果表明,该系统可有效实现在调度主站查询远方变电站内的历史告警信息,便于排查故障,避免了人工进站查询的步骤,提高了工作执行效率。
关键词:DL 476协议;分页查询;告警直传;智能调度
中图分类号:TM734 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2017)08-0061-04
Design and Implementation of Power Dispatching Remote History Record Query System
YU Hai, WANG Hai-feng, PAN Hong-xiang, LIANG Feng, JIANG Wen-hui
(NARI Technology Co., Ltd, Nanjing 210061, China)
Abstract: Aiming at the problem that the power dispatching cannot obtain the historical alarm record of the substation directly, this paper carried out research on DL 476 protocol and designed a kind of power dispatching remote history record query system. This paper gave the overall architecture of the system, the query procedure and DL 476 message format design procedure. This system adopted the paging query mode. After the field application in the new generation Yinpeng transformer of Chongqing 110 kV substation, the result shows that this system could effectively realize the history alarm messages query from the dispatching primary station in remote substation, which is convenient for the troubleshoot, avoids the procedure of manual work get-in query and improves the working execution efficiency.
Key words: DL 476 protocol; paging query; alarm upload; intelligent dispatching
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