国网内蒙古东部电力有限公司电力科学研究院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010020
摘 要:结合蒙东地区近十年来输电线路鸟害故障调查报告,分析了鸟害故障原因及故障类型,总结了不同地形特征、季节特征、气候特征等因素与输电线路发生鸟害故障次数之间的内在联系及鸟害防范措施,并针对防鸟害措施存在的问题,提出了一些可行性建议,为相关人员治理鸟害工作提供参考。
中图分类号:TM726 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2015)06-0033-04
Cause Analysis and Preventive Measures to Bird Pest Accidents of Power Transmission Lines in East Inner Mongolia Power Grid
MA Xiao-jian, QIAN Wen-xiao, ZHAO Yu-chao
State Grid East Inner Mongolia Electric Power Company Limited Electric Power Research Insistute, Huhhot 010020, China
Abstract: Combining with the investigation reports of bird pest accidents in the east Inner Mongolia during recent ten years, this paper analyzed causes and types of bird pest accidents and summarized the internal logic between different kinds of terrain features, season features, climate features etc factors and numbers of bird pest accidents and the relevant bird pest preventive measures. Besides, based on the reasons above, this paper offers some feasibility proposals to provide references for the transmission professionals on the aspect of prevention work of bird damage.
Key words: power transmission line; bird pest accident cause; bird pest accident feature; prevention measure of bird pest
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