某35 kV开关柜局部放电及受潮的原因分析
(国网浙江省电力公司温州供电公司,浙江 温州 325000)
摘 要:针对某开关柜运行中多个间隔局部放电数值超标的现象,对开关柜内设备进行停电检查及绝缘性能试验,分析了开关柜自身结构及其运行环境中存在的薄弱因素,建立了开关柜受潮过程的模型,研究了设备绝缘性能下降的机理,并提出了更换老化、受潮绝缘件,在开关柜内安装加热器、除湿机,增强电缆沟防水性及电缆孔洞密封性等改进措施。经过一年的跟踪监测,开关室内的湿度保持在50% 左右,开关柜内的湿度保持在48% 左右,未发现开关柜内设备局部放电及受潮、老化现象,设备绝缘性能良好。
中图分类号:TM591 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2017)08-0039-04
Causes Analysis of Partial Discharge and Damp for Certain 35 kV Switchgear
LIN Gen-de, CHEN Da, HUANG Ji-lai, YE Long, ZHANG Hai-long, ZHENG Juan-juan
(State Grid Zhejiang Whenzhou Electric Power Company, Wenzhou 325000, China)
Abstract: In allusion to the overproof standard phenomenon of multi-interval partial discharge, the equipment inside the switchgear was carried out the power-off examination and insulating property test. This paper analyzed the weakness factors existing in the structure of switchgear itself and its operating environment, established the model of switchgear damp process and studied the mechanism of insulating property degradation. This paper proposed the improvement measures, such as changing aging and damp insulating parts, installing heaters and dehumidifiers, enhancing cable ducts waterproofness and cable void leakproofness etc. after one year’s tracking monitoring, it is found that the humidity inside switch rooms keeps about 50%, the humidity inside switchgear keeps about 48% and the equipment inside the switchgear has no partial discharge, damp and aging, with good insulating property.
Key words: switchgear; partial discharge; damp; insulating property
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