(西安交通大学 电气工程学院,陕西 西安 710049)
摘 要:电力机车车顶高压隔离开关及其支撑绝缘子是重要的户外高压电器,分析并优化其电场分布,有利于提高电力机车的安全运行。将均压环运用到电力机车高压系统中,建立三维有限元模型,计算了配置均压环前后隔离开关及绝缘子表面的电位与电场分布,分析了均压环的安装高度、环径和管径对电场优化的影响,并给出了明确的建议设计参数,为均压环在电力机车高压系统中的应用提供参考。
中图分类号:TM216;U266 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2017)08-0020-04
Grading Ring Design of High Voltage Isolator and Insulator on Electric Locomotive
LI Ming-xiao, QIU Hao
(School of Electrical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China)
Abstract: The high voltage isolator and its supporting insulators are important components of high voltage system in the electric locomotive roof. This paper analyzed and optimized their electric field distribution, in favor of safe operation of electric locomotive. The grading ring was used in electric locomotive high-voltage system to establish three-dimension finite element model. This paper calculated the high voltage isolator before and after the grading rings configuration, insulator surface potential and electric field distribution, analyzed the impacts of mounting height, loop diameter and pipe diameter on the electric field optimization and gave the specific suggestion design parameters, which provides references for the application in electric locomotive high-voltage system.
Key words: electric locomotive; high voltage isolator; insulator; snap grading ring; electric field optimization
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