Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2017-09-21 13:21 浏览次数:9
(1 福建省仙游县气象局,福建 仙游 351200 ;2 福建省莆田市防雷监测技术中心,福建 莆田 351100)
    摘 要:选用较大测量电流接地电阻仪为比对仪器,核查小测量电流接地电阻仪,多距离测量一小建筑物接地电阻,用聚类分析对各测量值作分类,取”测量水平段”作回归分析、检测能力验证。核查仪器、比对仪器有34~51 m、68~85 m不同的适宜测量距离;比对仪器适宜的测量距离取小值,核查仪器适宜的测量距离的检测能力验证均是“满意”的评定。接地电阻测量距离应根据测量电流的大小取舍;核查仪器测量电流小,比对仪器适宜测量距离应选小值进行检测能力验证;期间核查,既要参照规范推荐的接地电阻测量方法,又要遵循计量认证的统计方法和要求。
    中图分类号:TM934.1     文献标识码:A     文章编号:1007-3175(2017)09-0051-05
Preliminary Study on Intermediate Checks of Grounding Resistance Meter
MAO Sheng-ren1,2, XU Wen-jin1, WU Kun-ping2, ZHENG Jian-wei1, PENG Zong-gui2
(1 Xianyou Meteorological Bureau in Fujian Province, Xianyou 351200, China;
2 Putian Lightning Protection Monitoring Technology Center in Fujian Province, Putian 351100, China)
    Abstract: The larger measuring current ground resistance meter was selected as the comparison instrument to inspect the small measuring current ground resistance meter. The ground resistance about a small building was carried out multi-distance measurement. The clustering analysis was used to classify each measured value and the measurement horizontal section was taken as regression analysis and detectability confirmation. The inspecting and comparison instruments had the suitable measuring distances from 34 meter to 51 meter or from 68 meter to 85 meter. The minimum value was selected by comparing the suitable distances for measurement. The detectability confirmation of the measuring distance suitable for inspecting instruments was “satisfaction”. The measuring distance of grounding resistances should be selected by the size of measuring currents. The smaller value was selected for inspecting instruments while the measuring distance suitable for comparison instruments should be small to carry out the detectability verification. The intermediate inspecting should both refer to the measuring method of grounding resistance of the recommended specifications and follow the statistical method and requirements of metrological certification.
    Key words: ground resistance meter; intermediate inspecting; regression analysis; detectability confirmation
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