(1 许继集团有限公司,河南 许昌 461000;2 许昌许继德理施尔电气有限公司,河南 许昌 461000)
摘 要:以棱边突出的金属凸轮为研究对象,利用试验及计算机软件仿真分析其在高电压下的放电现象及电场特性,分析边沿效应及放电路径等因素对放电过程的影响。通过施加冷缩增爬伞裙增加金属导体之间的爬电距离,分析了冷缩伞裙与尼龙轴间界面压力对沿面绝缘的影响,给出了冷缩伞裙选型方式。研究成果可用于各种电气设备内部金属导体尤其是不规则导体间的绝缘优化设计。
中图分类号:TM213 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2017)09-0044-03
Influence and Application of Cold Shrink by Climbing Skirt on Edge Insulation
LIU Hui1,2, ZHAO Ying1,2, ZHAI He-peng1,2, MU San-qiang1,2, LIU Yu-xiang1,2
(1 Xuji Group Corporation, Xuchang 461000, China; 2 XJ-Driescher Wegberg Electric Co., Ltd, Xuchang 461000, China)
Abstract: Taking the rigid cams with protruding edges as the research object, this paper used the experiments and the computer software to simulate and analyze the discharge phenomena and electric field characteristics under high voltage, and analyzed the influence of edge effect and discharge path etc factors on the discharge process. By applying the cold shrink by climbing skirt to increase the creepage distance between the metal conductors, this paper analyzed the impact of the interfacial pressure between the cold umbrella skirt and the nylon shaft on the edge insulation and gave the selection method of cold shrink umbrella skirt. The research result could be used to optimize the insulation design of various interior metal conductors of electrical equipments, especially between the irregular conductors.
Key words: metal cam; cold shrink by climbing skirt; creepage distance; interfacial pressure
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