变电站10 kV系统接地方式技术改造
(广东电网有限责任公司梅州供电局,广东 梅州 514021)
摘 要:为兼顾供电可靠性和人身设备安全,保证发生单相瞬时故障时能促进弧光自熄,且当发生永久性接地故障则发出跳闸信号切除故障线路,将110 kV丙村变电站10 kV不接地系统改造成故障相经电抗器接地系统,阐述了故障相经小电抗接地方式的工作原理,并给出了具体技术改造方案和注意事项,现场调试结果表明,该站技术改造达到了预期目的。
中图分类号:TM645 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2017)09-0041-03
Technical Transformation of 10kV Power System Grounding Method for Substations
XIE Ming-lei
(Meizhou Power Supply Bureau, Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, Meizhou 514021, China)
Abstract: In order to balance power supply reliability and the safety of personnel and equipment, to guarantee the arc light self-extinguishing when the single-phase transient fault occurs, and to send a trip signal to cut off the fault line when a permanent grounding fault occurs, the 10 kV isolated neutral system of 110 kV Bing village substation was reformed to become the reactor grounding system through faulty phase. This paper expounded the working principle of reactor grounding through faulty phase mode and gave the concrete technical transformation plan and matters need attention. The field debugging result shows that this technical transformation reaches the expected goal.
Key words: isolated neutral system; reactor grounding through faulty phase; technical transformation
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